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Fabric for Real Touch™ Finger Probes / Finger Simulation

Test fabric clamped to Real Touch™ Finger Probe

Various fabrics are used on our Real Touch Finger Probes to simulate the natural abrasive character of a human finger. These fabrics are wrapped around the finger probes and held in place with a probe clamp. We offer a regular Woven Wool fabric that does an excellent job of simulating the abrasion and friction of a human finger, and we offer a knitted cotton fabric with an integrated silver yarn that has conductive properties and works with capacitive touch screens. This cotton and silver fabric is a good choice for use in combination with our Conductive Real Touch Finger Probes and testing any touch screen devices. Both fabrics can be cut to size and held in place with our probe clamps, which will fit both our FP1 and FP2 style finger probes. These products can be purchased on our Parts & Accessories page.

Woven wool fabric for Real Touch™ Finger Probes

Test fabric clamped to Real Touch™ Finger Probe testing keypad

Fabric clamp for Real Touch™ Finger Probes